Code Of Ethics

Code of Ethics Compliant

Zerovaega Technologies Private Limited adopts the Code of Conduct of integrity and good corporate citizenship in fulfilling their duties towards the Company. As the Company’s policy-makers its directors set high standard of conduct for all employees and officers who are committed to conducting business with the highest ethical standards.

Zerovaega Technologies Private Limited has a long standing commitment to Business Conduct Guidelines and compliances with applicable laws which provide specific guidance at the highest level to all employees. Those Guidelines remain fully in effect


This code shall be applicable to the.

  • Members of the Board
  • Officer, Staff and Developers.

Fair Dealing

Directors along with each employee should attempt to deal fairly with the Company's customers, suppliers, competitors and employees. No Director or employee should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair dealing practices.

Conflicts of Interest

Zerovaega Technologies Private Limited in accordance with the highest standard of honesty, good faith and integrity expects all employees and directors to be diligent, dedicated and loyal in representing the Company and in using and conserving its resources. They should report any personal interests or obligations which could conflict with the duties or create any suspicion or acuity that decisions they make for the Company might be improperly influenced by their personal interests.

Employees and directors are prohibited from

Taking personally opportunities in involving themselves in making any decision on a subject matter in which a conflict of interest arises or could arise, between their personal interest and the interest of the Company.

Comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations of the land both in letter and spirit and not misuse the assets of the Company.

Employees should report potential conflicts to the concerned supervisors or department heads which will be reviewed and resolved with necessary actions taken for the protection of the company.

Protection of Company Assets

All Directors and employees should protect the Company's assets and should be used for rightful business purpose. Burglary, negligence and misuse will have a direct impact on the Company's productivity.

Gifts and Entertainment

When acting on behalf of Zerovaega Technologies Private Limited, Directors and Employees should never request gifts, entertainment or any other business courtesies from people doing business with the Company (including suppliers, customers, competitors, contractors and consultants) which would compromise on Loyalty.

Confidential Information

Employees and directors are not to disclose to any person any confidential information and are expected to be Loyalty to the Company and devote their full attention to the business interest of the Company and to precede its genuine interests when the opportunity to do so arises.

Integrity and Disclosures

Employees and directors will meet the highest standards of honesty, truthfulness and integrity in all communications, for good healthy business and relation with each other. We will abide by the laws that govern the states and countries where the Company operates. The Company will provide a working environment in which adherence to these high standards is clearly expected of all employees, and integrity is never compromised by pressures for immediate success.

Accountability for Adherence to the Code

Employees and directors will be held accountable for adherence to this Code. Employees who violate the Code will be subject to disciplinary action, including potential termination of employment, depending upon the particular circumstances involved.

In addition to the Business Conduct Guidelines, other Company policies and procedures apply to employees of the Company. Employees are directed to consult the Business Conduct Guidelines for reference to these policies. This Code of Ethics is not intended to supersede or amend such policies and procedures.